Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Can cats shoot?

Well, that's just one of the questions behind my second Pru Marlowe book, "Cats Can't Shoot." But the big one is: will my agent like it? I've now sent it off to her, which means I can dive into the fourth Dulcie Schwartz mystery (yes, I do have a crazy schedule). My agent always has brilliant suggestions, so I know "Cats" will get another thorough revision once she gets back to me. I still worry though... even if she thinks it is rough, rough, rough, will there be something there for her to enjoy?

The writing life!


BPL Ref said...

Hi, Clea! Just wanted to let you know that the review for Grey Zone is posted. Also, that I have been asked TWICE for Dogs Don't Lie. It's currently checked out. I've recommended your books before but this is the first time folks have come in and requested, so I think that's a good sign!

Katha said...

I keep my fingers crossed!! And don't worry too much, I'm sure you have delivered something with the substance for a good book!