Monday, April 11, 2016

Thank you, Literary Feline!

"There is nothing light or cozy about 'The Ninth Life,'" writes long-time book blogger The Literary Feline. "Care is in real danger, mixing with drug dealers, thieves and some other very seedy people. Blackie is very much a cat"

This thoughtful, intelligent review goes on to discuss the plusses – and one drawback – of this new project, concluding, "The ending was particularly intense with a promise of more to come. 'The Ninth Life' is a unique mystery and I am definitely curious to see where the Clea Simon goes with the characters next." You can read the full review here.


Unknown said...

A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done. See the link below for more info.


Anonymous said...

THIS "writer" is really full of herself! Talk about narcissistic! Hated it!