Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"You look good, girl"

Say goodbye to the gangbanger girls. This week, we've lost Snoop as well as Margaret B. Jones. Both were fictional, but only one was a work of art.


pattinase (abbott) said...

Her death has to go down as one of the great ones. Only time she ever looked like a girl and where did it get her?

JD Rhoades said...

That was such a great moment. So much regret and yearning for a normal life, all in those two lines.

Clea Simon said...

Wasn't it, though?

I'm now listening to the CD compilation of music from the Wire (am reviewing it for the Phoenix). The songs - remember that Pogues song from the wake, season 2? - are making me choke up. And toward the end, they've got that other heartbreaking bit of dialogue: Duquan asking Mike, "You remember that day, summer past?"


Linda L. Richards said...

Geez Louise: I clearly have to get out more! I have *no* idea what you're talking about... but it sounds tres interesting.

Clea Simon said...

Click the links, Linda, click the links.

Literary Feline said...

First they take Omar from me and now Snoop. I expected it, but it's still sad. I can't believe there's only one more episode. I was sure there had to be at least three. I'm really going to miss this show. Thank goodness for DVD's.