Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The New York Times weighs in

Yesterday's Op Ed page had this to say about mandatory spay-neuter laws. Usually, I adore Verlyn Klinkenborg. He is a wonderfully lyrical writer on other subjects. But this time, I think he may have missed the point. What do you think?

1 comment:

furrgie said...

There is much validity in some of this author's thoughts but very little in others. I agree with his opinion that in general, the American public tends to identify perhaps too strongly with its pets, and far too often does not make the proper commitment to their care.But you cannot legislate responsibility and it's ridiculous to penalize pet owners (and breeders ) who ARE acting responsibly for the carelessness of others. It won't solve anything. Someone should set him straight about the numbers he cites and acquaint him with the proven effectiveness of TNR (trap/ neuter/release) programs in controlling feral cat populations.But it sure sounds as though his mind is made up and no one is allowed to confuse him with any facts!